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Cedars Upper

Our Year Groups

 Pastoral support is a strength at Cedars of which we are very proud. Our year teams are highly experienced in supporting your child in all aspects of their school experience. Alongside your child’s form tutor, the year team are here to offer support and guidance about uniform, attendance, attitudes to learning, and are here to discuss any issues that may be affecting your child on a particular day. Communication is core to your child’s experience at Cedars so please do keep in touch with us using the contact details below. 

Year 9

 Head of Year - Mrs E Kealey

Assistant Head of Year - Mrs R Gavigan


01525 219348

Year 10

Head of Year - Miss J Barratt


01525 219322


 Assistant Head of Year - Mr M Maddix

Year 11

Head of Year - Mrs R Neal


01525 219372

Assistant Head of Year - Mrs N Holland


01525 219345



Acting Head of Sixth Form - Mr M Pantling

01525 219376