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Cedars Upper


Why have we chosen Chromebooks?

There are a wide range of tablet and laptop-style devices available on the market and Cedars Upper School conducted pilot schemes and extensive research when considering the type of device which would be best suited to students in our school.

A Chromebook looks like a laptop in appearance but operates in a very different way with students accessing services and apps online. The Chromebook operating system is produced by Google who provide a wealth of apps and services which are specifically designed to support students in education.

Chromebook devices boot-up in a matter of seconds and have a battery life that lasts up to 8 hours, dependent on use. Chromebook devices are managed centrally by our IT Support Team to ensure that access is safe and secure. Internet content is filtered for inappropriate content to ensure students can access everything they need for their school work.

Students need to be prepared for an increasingly digital world. Research has confirmed that good home access to technology has a positive impact on a child’s educational achievements; it often motivates them to do schoolwork by providing more interesting and engaging ways to learn. Student work is often better presented so their self esteem grows and they can explore subjects that interest them in their own time.

The following are just a few examples of what students will do at Cedars Upper School: 

  • Create, share and collaborate using GSuite 
  • Use subject related apps in the classroom and at home 
  • Collaborative learning

What is included?

How do I order?

The Chromebook ordering portal opens on the 4th June for 2024/25. To order a Chromebook for your child, please click on the link below and enter the details shown:

Chromebook Scheme Purchasing Portal

Email: Please use your email address

Username: Y9Cedars2024

Password: S3cure02!

(Please note when logging into the portal the password and username will not work if it is copied and pasted - it needs to be typed in manually)

Should you need to contact Freedom Tech directly please call 0203 8575 670 option 6 or https://freedomtech.co.uk/contact-us/

The purchasing portal will close on 10th July 2024 and payments will be taken by direct debit directly through Freedom Technology who operate the scheme.  

The direct debit reference on your bank account will be ‘Freedom Tech’, so please do not delete this if you wish to continue with your purchase.  The first direct debit will be taken on 25th October 2024.  Should the direct debit payment fail, or you miss the booking deadline the next opportunity to purchase will be in the Autumn term 2024.

How do I arrange repairs / contact Freedom Tech ?

If the Chromebook has an issue or is damaged, we can diagnose the problem in school. If the device needs technical support this is available in school. Any further issues will be sent to Freedom Tech for repair / replacement.

If you have an issue with your Chromebook please contact Freedom Technology directly by clicking here or calling 0203 857 5670.

Our full Chromebook for Learning Parent / Carer Handbook can be read below.

Cedars Chromebooks for Learning - Parent Handbook 2024